Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging

Word ook lid!

Natuurkundige? Dan word je natuurlijk lid van de NNV.

Waanzinnige zintuigen

Bestel deze waanzinnig mooie en leerzame poster over de bijzondere zintuigen van dieren! Voor in het klaslokaal of gewoon thuis. De poster laat zien hoe hommels het elektrische veld van bloemen kunnen waarnemen, wat ze helpt bij het herkennen van bloemen. Dolfijnen kunnen voorwerpen die ze voor het eerst tegenkomen via echolocatie later op een televisiescherm herkennen. En zo zijn er veel meer voorbeelden. De poster is in A1- en A2-formaat te bestellen door een mail te sturen naar U betaalt alleen de verzendkosten.


Ons prachtige 'Grote-duik-in-de-wereld-van-de-Natuurkundekwartet', bestel het ook!

Vorige Volgende


Register as an individual member

We welcome you as a new member of our society. The fee depends on your age on the 31st of December of the previous year. The table below states the fees for 2023:

Category Euros/year
students in their second year*       0.-
other BSc./MSc. students 14.50
BSc./MSc. under the age of 26 36.25
26 t/m 28 years of age 52.00
29 t/m 35 years of age 89.25
36 t/m 66 years of age 105.50
67 years of age and over 65.75
more than 40 years of membership  65.75
more than 50 years of membership 0.-

*Membership is per calendar year. Hence, in 2023 the students who started their studies in August 2021 are entitled to one year of free membership. Students who started their studies in August 2022 can be a NNV member for free during 2024. In your registration, you need to include the starting date of your studies.

Your membership is automatically prolonged each year. If you wish to terminate your membership, your cancellation has to be received by the NNV office before December 1 of the previous year. The termination is final only after confirmation by the NNV office. Usually, confirmation is sent within a week.

Register now

Automatic payment collection

If you authorize NNV to collect your fee automatically, you receive 1 euro discount on your fee. The authorization form for automatic fee collection can be downloaded here. You can submit it to the NNV office by regular mail or electronically to If you receive disability benefits or disability pension (WAO or WIA), you can contact the secretariat for a reduction of your fee.

  • The board may raise the fee by maximally 10% per year, unless the General Member Assembly has decided otherwise.
  • The board may, in special cases, (partly) exempt members of membership fees (see section 3 of the Algemeen Huishoudelijk Reglement).
  • NNV members receive NTvN for free.
  • Upon request, NNV members can participate in the activities of the European Physical Society at no additional cost.
  • Teachers employed in secondary schools receive a 25% reduction of their membership fee once they inform the NNV office of their school affiliation. Student members do not receive this reduction.

Change of address

Here you can give us your new address.

Membership termination

Your membership is automatically prolonged each year. If you want to terminate your membership, your cancellation has to be received by the NNV office before December 1 of the previous year. The termination is final only after confirmation by the NNV office. Usually, confirmation is sent within a week.